Sunday, March 24, 2013

Houston> Beaumont > Tampa > Jacksonville

Time sure does get away from you on the road.  Things stretch.  Days meld together.  Weekdays, weekends, weeks - the concepts start to mean very little.  There's only The Next Show.  Moving forward in a perpetual state of active animation, sleep deprived makers of music and We Who Carry Stuff and We Who Sell Stuff makes reality an entirely different beast.

Suddenly I'm finding the life left behind less tangible.  Like a fading dream.  Like it wasn't real.  And I feel, as Bilbo Bag put it, like butter spread thin over too much bread.  It's a good thing I fucking love this shit or else I'd be miserable.  Jason said people wash out usually after two weeks.  Its been almost 3 and I feel like I'm hitting my stride.  Actually playing and traveling would be dreams realized - A Waking Life finally being lived.  Moving across this Earth making music as Jason and Kim are doing.

I'm stalling.

Im trying to remember what happened in Houston, TX.  I'm attempting to rack my brain, separate the faces, separate the venues, separate the days and bring forth the synaptic connections to get a good picture of the events that transpired. 

There was a show - definitely for sure about that. 

Kim rocked it - definitely for sure about that.

Jason drummed it - definitely for sure about that.

Ah!  I know.  I will consult my pictures. BRB.

In fact.  I think this post will be mostly pictures because I'm having trouble remembering everything.  When life is a whirlwind it sure ain't easy holding onto memories.

Needless to say - Kim and Jason rocked their shows, made new fans, pleased old ones and further embed their place in rock n roll history with every show. 

I've been meeting fans all over the country and its been a great experience thus far.  So many awesome people to meet and greet.  Sometimes I'm tired as hell during the VIP after show get togethers and probably come off as standoffish.  Which is not the case - I'm just struggling to keep my eyes open. 

I feel more sure of myself and what I want now that I've experienced this kind of life first hand.  I feel great gratitude towards OED for giving me this opportunity to experience the road first hand.  It has given me great insight into the world of touring.

Speaking of which, gotta get back on the road again.

Til next time...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Little Rock, AK > Longview, TX > Austin, TX

I finally picked up my laptop in Austin so these things should be a bit easier to do from here on out.  

First - Arkansas.  OED played Little Rock, AK and totally rocked it again.  Kim jumped on stuff, crowd surfed, people sang along.  All in all, a pretty rockin' show.  The VIP party afterwards at IHOP was a blast though.  We had this badass waiter named Michael who was funny AND a good waiter.   He took all of our orders, remembered them all without writing them down and had the time to come over and entertain us.  At the end of the night we wanted to take a picture with him.  Well when we did this man from a large group across from us said he was going to take a picture of us taking a picture.  And then someone from another group said he was going to take a picture of him taking a picture of us taking a picture.  OED VIP inception through and through.

We hit the road afterwards and headed back to TX.  I drove all the way to Longview, TX and I have to be honest.  It didn't seem like much of a metal town.  Especially with the sign we saw outside.  However that night, those that showed up showed me that they were metal as fuck.  People were on tables, lotsa yelling, lotsa energy, lotsa shouting.  It was another good night. Earlier in the day we had to drive around and re-fill 
Kim's hat bag as it was running low. Luckily they had an awesome party store there. After the show we hung out with a couple of cool VIPs and some other friends of Kim and Jason. Afterwards it was on to Austin! Coming back to Austin was kinda weird. The city felt a lot smaller than it did two weeks prior. I was able to sleep in my own bed which was pretty nice. Vaporized some bud and I was feeling alright. Ran around running various errands during the day and then it was time for the show. It also felt kinda weird being in the Dirty Dog as I'd been there before but never in the context of being a roadie. Kim absolutely ruled the Austin show. Homecoming was a cool thing to see. Eric, the bassist for Otep, had his knee pop out during the show. He snapped it back in place with the wall during the show. What a bad ass. At the end of the night we went back to OED headquarters and rested up, restocked supplies and in the morning made our way to Houston....