Saturday, March 9, 2013

LA to Sacramento to Chico

This is going to be a short blog because I don't have much time but the gist of what I want want to say is this:

Rock n roll ain't easy.

Driving from city to city on 3 hours of sleep, then having to unload a van full of merch and equipment and then having to set up gear is taxing, to say the least.  But that's why you gotta love this stuff. 

I'm on leave from a computer job that pays really well and allows me to mostly sit down for the duration of my shift.  But with this gig, its go go go go, showtime, then go go go go.

Once the show is over and done with you gotta pack up, drive to the next city and do it all over again. 

But - I love this shit.

Seeing different places, meeting new and interesting people and learning how to hustle is invaluable.  I feel really lucky to have this opportunity.

Last night at the Ace of Spades in Sacramento Kim killed it.  She was captivating.  I was off to the side making sure shit didn't come unplugged (which can be stressful considering how all over the place Kim is!) and I found myself enthralled with what was going onstage when I should have been working. 

There were a couple of hitches during the show - Kim's guitar wasn't making any noise at the start which turned out to be an unplugged cable on the tuner pedal.  Then it came unplugged again during the show and after that I watched the pedal like a hawk.  Each time her foot moved toward the cable my heart raced. Soon enough it was all over and Kim had the crowd in the palm of her hand.

Truly she is an entertainer.  The Real Deal. 

After the show Otep came on and brought the house down.  I'd never seen an Otep show before and she's definitely a force to be reckoned with onstage and off.

After the show we went to eat with some of Jason's old friends whom were absolutely a pleasure to meet.  Once again, one of the reasons I love doing this so far is meeting s lot of cool new people.


Today we are in Chico, CA playing at The Senator.  I worked out with Otep and her guitarist Aari, which felt kinda surreal but was pretty awesome.  Ha.  Some people gonna on tour and get fat from junk food.  I want to come back stronger than when I left and I'm definitely with the right people to do so.

Well, gotta go set up. 

Show 2, here we go!

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