Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 1: Conquering West Texas to Phoenix

First day driving on the road...there's a whole lot of nothing in West Texas!  Pretty boring drive but I'm still stoked to be on the road.  Jason tells me that'll wear off after the first week and I'll be clamoring for a clean bed and a shower before too long, ha!   Part of me thinks he's right but still - this is what I've been wanting to experience since I started drumming 5 years ago and come hell or high water I'm going to see it through!
Some fun stuff:  Jason and Kim did an interview on the phone today with a radio show host in Pittsburgh.  He had just finished interviewing Zak Wylde and One-Eyed Doll was up next.  I got to say a few things as their roadie - further cementing how bad ass Kim and Jason are. 
We're headed to Phoenix today where we're gonna stay with a friend until tomorrow.  Tomorrow we head out to LA to pick up our merch girl Melinda and the luxury Mercedes Van! 
One-Eyed Doll officially has a crew and a swank vehicle!
I couldn't have asked for better people to hit the road with.
PS:  The custom OED guitar pic I uploaded is going to Dave Navarro... here's to hoping we get to jam!

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